Types of College Admissions (And Which One Is Good for You)

Making a plan for how you will submit your college application is a crucial first step. To be sure, you read that correctly; how. More than one application route exists for enrolling in college. In reality, there are 8 distinct pathways into higher education. Keep reading to learn more about the various application deadlines, including…

What You Need to Know About the Federal Student Aid Work-Study Program

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Work-Study program is a form of financial aid for students pursuing higher education. The program provides part-time jobs for undergraduate and graduate students, intending to help them to pay for their education. Here is an overview of everything you need to know about the FAFSA Work-Study program….

What is The Difference Between Scholarships and Student Loans

To help with the costs of higher education, students can apply for grants and loans. But there are essential distinctions between the two. The money received from a scholarship does not need to be paid back. Scholarships are given out for many reasons, such as academic performance, financial necessity, and extracurricular involvement. Scholarships are available…

Difference Between Undergraduate, Graduate and Postgraduate

You, a high school senior, have undoubtedly already begun planning for college. Possibly you’ve begun investigating your possibilities with the intent of making a final decision. The terms “undergraduate,” “graduate,” and “postgraduate” may be familiar to you. So, what’s the distinction between first-year, second-year, and third-year students? Stay with me here and find out more!…

40 Plus Medical School Scholarships – Check All

The American Medical Association (AMA) Minority Scholars Award: This scholarship is open to underrepresented minority students in their first or second year of medical school. The award provides up to $10,000 in funding for tuition and other expenses. The National Medical Fellowships (NMF) Scholarships: This scholarship is open to underrepresented minority students in their first…

What Is a Merit Scholarship?

A merit scholarship is a type of scholarship awarded to students based on their academic or personal achievements. Unlike need-based scholarships, which are awarded based on financial need, merit scholarships are awarded based on a student’s ability and potential. Merit scholarships are usually awarded by schools, organizations, or private individuals and are intended to recognise…